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Sunday, April 24, 2011

I need a new hobby.

That's right. Well, what I really love, if you might ask? I love playing pool? Tennis? Badminton? But something that doesn't make me sweat from head to toe? Ok, perhaps pool. But, COME ON POOL these days are getting expensive, and you require another partner unless u want to look like those who plays pool by themselves. How emo; and I don't think I can afford or have space for a pool table.

Yes, I've realized that I might be required to take another proactive step in revitalizing my lifestyle. I'm not saying its not healthy, but in the long run; it would probably make me stagnant once again. You know, weekdays are spent at work and everything is left untouched over the weekends. Well, I try to discipline myself in that way. So yes, I might actually be required to look into new areas of interest, like golf per say?

Golfing? Expensive sport? I'll probably need to gauge how much I hope to achieve out of pursuing this new sport. If I'm just going to be a short distance 100cm kind of golfer, then probably it won't do much harm, but neither will that bring much benefit.

All I'm saying is that weekends need to be a little more well planned. Be it a new hobby, or even storing up media entertainments, are of top importance. But there's another part in me that says "Let's nua all the way". So I might need to generate that level of motivation to outweigh the direction towards nua-ing.

Short weekends can be overlooked, but I'm really talking about in the long term; like long weekends with holidays or even when I start to apply LEAVE. Of cos, entertainment has its price to pay but I'm such a cost-effective person that every cent means a thing.

But after all that I've said, do you think I'm just feeling that emotional itch to find companionship?

"Happiness is indeed contagious, because it spreads to others, and they hope to feel that same feeling in return, someday." - frostdude

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