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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Work feels like Army all over again. Well, just that now has a little bit more room for request and open communication. But, I must say the rest are pretty much the same, in terms of style of work. Or maybe its the only real context which I can refer to.

I find myself in a position whereby I'm the driver, and information and decisions are the people crossing the road. I could simply bang them down, but that would just cause me to lose my license. Or, I could opt to be that driver who stops. As head strong as one can be sometimes, I took a much greater step back for the past few weaks and realize that if I played a role as the driver who bangs people down, I would find myself facing more than just difficulty tunneling through the forest. I would essentially face barricades; and that would not be very fruitful.

But apart from that, today finally for the first time; I managed to decide my strategic vision. I was asked a very personal question, which I guess only guys would just ask for leisure, and girls would ask if they are interested. And yes, I replied with a response which even I was very much shocked to say; "Career first." But, come on; the odds and ends of everything is that I barely have a dedicated utility time for myself; let alone I take on another headcount which requires attention and care like a tamagochi. So, I wonder how those colleagues of mine, have more than 3 headcount on their plate.

I feel sometimes my father would poison me at home; well not to that extend that leaves me lying on the floor. But more of the fact that he provides me with that extra boost of ideas. He's probably my neutral party in this whole opposition fight. He provides me with that "provision of doubt", even though I have thought about it. He just packages it in such a way that it may be right or it may be wrong after all. His views may occasionally put me back in my place, but at the same time awake me and remind me that I am in a place or this place I belong to; is of greater heights.

I'm a little short on words, especially when it comes to politics and other events happening outside the world of entertainment. Somehow, I understand why working adults tend to become very myopic because work as it is, is already packed; so let alone reading newspapers and books and articles are simply just too difficulty to squeeze in. And that is probably why my brother stopped watching Greys Anatomy, because working in a h3alt\c4re environment is just sufficient. There's really no need to come back home and watch a drama series that makes the workplace so wondrous. So, when I get back, I really would want to take my mind of work; but that seems to be the only thing which I can think / talk / discuss / comment about these days.

It's not actually that A*STAR working environment; like how books compliment 3M and Microsoft. It's actually a very slow-when-its-slow and fast-when-its-fast kind of thing. Well, right now I'm at the fast-like-its-so-damn fast, that time actually passes by faster than I even drink water. Hence, constipation is inevitable unless I really make an attempt to discipline myself.

I just feel that they have their doubts. But, it is not like one to have no doubts at all, but it is only about time.

"So you think, who confirm? Me loh" - frostdude

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